Donations History
Better Lives, Better Country

One of my greatest satisfactions is to be able to hand over a cheque to an organization knowing that it will make a di fference to the beneficiaries. Our projects over the years include housing for an elderly lady who lived in a shack precariously perched on a mountainside that is prone to landslides. We also hosted an annual Health Fair alternating it with a Christmas Treat in St. Thomas. The Health Fair provided much needed medical services and supplies free of cost and gifts and grocery items were given away to the elderly and children who attended the Christmas Concert and Treat.
Many individuals have been helped by JMOM and we stand behind our philosophy to teach a man to fish rather than give him a fish. The needs are many, but our commitment is unwavering. We do what we can. Our latest endeavour is the Breakfast Program that we have launched in Bath, St. Thomas.

One of my greatest satisfactions is to be able to hand over a cheque to an organization knowing that it will make a di fference to the beneficiaries. Our projects over the years include housing for an elderly lady who lived in a shack precariously perched on a mountainside that is prone to landslides. We also hosted an annual Health Fair alternating it with a Christmas Treat in St. Thomas. The Health Fair provided much needed medical services and supplies free of cost and gifts and grocery items were given away to the elderly and children who attended the Christmas Concert and Treat.
Many individuals have been helped by JMOM and we stand behind our philosophy to teach a man to fish rather than give him a fish. The needs are many, but our commitment is unwavering. We do what we can. Our latest endeavour is the Breakfast Program that we have launched in Bath, St. Thomas.

Our Latest Project- Breakfast Programs

Hungry children cannot learn. I was moved by the plight of the children at Bath Primary and Junior High, many of whom were attending school without breakfast. In 2010 we stepped in and things changed dramatically. Now approximately 70 children are fed each week. Here is what one student had to say:
“I recently graduated from Bath Primary and Junior High and was the top achiever for my school in the 2014 GSAT examinations and am now in high school. I had been on the school’s breakfast program for three years and had benefited a lot since being included.
My punctuality improved and I was able to get to school on time more than before because I left home earlier. My academic performance also improved. I concentrated more in class and was more enthusiastic about learning. The program has helped me and many others whose parents cannot afford to provide breakfast, because most of us are from single parent homes and our parents are unemployed or low income earners.
Thanks to Ms. Judy Mowatt and her friends for sponsoring this program. I certainly agree with her when she says that a hungry child does not learn much. She loves children and sponsoring the Breakfast Program is one of the best things she has done for us.” – Jeniela Reid

Hungry children cannot learn. I was moved by the plight of the children at Bath Primary and Junior High, many of whom were attending school without breakfast. In 2010 we stepped in and things changed dramatically. Now approximately 70 children are fed each week. Here is what one student had to say:
“I recently graduated from Bath Primary and Junior High and was the top achiever for my school in the 2014 GSAT examinations and am now in high school. I had been on the school’s breakfast program for three years and had benefited a lot since being included.
My punctuality improved and I was able to get to school on time more than before because I left home earlier. My academic performance also improved. I concentrated more in class and was more enthusiastic about learning. The program has helped me and many others whose parents cannot afford to provide breakfast, because most of us are from single parent homes and our parents are unemployed or low income earners.
Thanks to Ms. Judy Mowatt and her friends for sponsoring this program. I certainly agree with her when she says that a hungry child does not learn much. She loves children and sponsoring the Breakfast Program is one of the best things she has done for us.” – Jeniela Reid
Bath Primary and Junior High School, Jamaica

At the time of our intervention at Bath Primary and Junior High, more than 30% of the student population was affected by malnutrition. Attendance was poor, students were lethargic and inattentive and participation in external competitions showed poor results. The first cheque for J$100,000 which started the Breakfast Program turned things around.
Today, attendance has improved, results for the GSAT and Grade Four Literacy Examinations have improved significantly, the school placed third in a football competition at the parish level out of twelve schools and have also won at the parish and regional levels in a recent Science Quiz Competition. Morale is high for both staff and students as the teachers who prepare the meals are inspired by the new wave of achievement attributed to the Breakfast Program.
It’s a new day for Bath Primary and Junior High, and now Thornton Primary will enjoy this same boost as a cheque has been presented to them to start a Breakfast Program there.

At the time of our intervention at Bath Primary and Junior High, more than 30% of the student population was affected by malnutrition. Attendance was poor, students were lethargic and inattentive and participation in external competitions showed poor results. The first cheque for J$100,000 which started the Breakfast Program turned things around.
Today, attendance has improved, results for the GSAT and Grade Four Literacy Examinations have improved significantly, the school placed third in a football competition at the parish level out of twelve schools and have also won at the parish and regional levels in a recent Science Quiz Competition. Morale is high for both staff and students as the teachers who prepare the meals are inspired by the new wave of achievement attributed to the Breakfast Program.
It’s a new day for Bath Primary and Junior High, and now Thornton Primary will enjoy this same boost as a cheque has been presented to them to start a Breakfast Program there.